Bunds, K. S., Newman, J. I., & McLeod, C. (2014, November). Water, Sport Charity, and the Social Reproduction of Human (as) Capital. Presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference in Portland, OR.
Floyd, M. F. (2014, November). Realizing the potential of urban national parks to promote healty and youth engagement: A case study of Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Paper presented at the IUCN World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia.
Bocarro, J. N., Barcelona, R. J., Henderson, K. A., & McCord, R. (2014, October). A systematic review of the management literature. Paper presented at the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium in Charlotte, NC.
Hodge, C., & Bocarro, J. N. (2014, October). Family Leisure: An integrative review of research from select journals. Paper presented at the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium in Charlotte, NC.
Jones, G. J., Kent, A., Edwards, M. B., & Bocarro, J. N. (2014, October). Integrating evaluability assessment into youth sport program assessment. Paper presented at the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium in Charlotte, NC.
Edwards, M. B., Bocarro, J. N., & Jones, G. J. (2014, September). Legacies of mega-sport events: Perspectives from the United States. Paper presented at the European Association of Sport Management Conference in Coventry, England.
Howard, K. A., Bocarro, J. N., & Floyd, M. F. (2014, September). Class, Leisure, and Socioeconomic status: A review of recent literature. Paper presented at the World Leisure Congress in Mobile, AL.
Edwards, M. B., Bocarro, J. N., & Kanters, M. (2014, July). Youth sport participation’s association with adult leisure time physical activity. Paper presented at LSA2014: Sport, Festivity, and Digital Culture. In Paisley, Scotland.
Edwards, M. B., Duerden, M., Campbell, K., & Lizzo, R. (2014, May). Socioecologial correlates of daily unstructured outside play in a sample of Texas youth. Paper presented at the Canadian Congress of Leisure Research in Halifax, Canada.
Kanters, M., Mahar, M., & Hodge, C. (2014, May). Physical activity during youth hockey practices: A comparison of two practice models using accelerometers. Paper presented at the Global Summit on the Physical Activity of Children in Toronto, Canada.
Kanters, M., Edwards, M. B., McKenzie, T., Lounsbery, M., & Carlton, T. (2014, May). How overweight and obese are high school football players in the United States? Paper presented at the Global Summit on the Physical Activity of Children in Toronto, Canada.
Bush, K. A., Edwards, M. B., Jones, G. J., Hook, J. L., & Armstrong, M. L. (2014, May). Impact of a service learning sport for development program. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference in Pittsburgh, PA.
Lovich, J. & Bunds, K.S. (2014, May). Compounding crisis events and the organizational response. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference in Pittsburgh, PA.
Vetch, J., Hipp, J. A., Hunter, R., Schipperijn, J., & Owen, N. (2014, May). Painting a green picture: The value of green space for physical activity of Perceived Safety Among Users and Non-Users of Urban Parks. Presented at the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity in San Diego, CA.
Jones, G. J., Edwards, M. B., Casper, J. M., & Bocarro, J. N. (2014, April) Does school sport connect children to school? Paper presented at the Southeastern Recreation Research Conference in Asheville, NC.
Kanters, M., McKenzie, T. L., Edwards, M. B., Bocarro, J. N., Mahar, M. & Hodge, C. (2014, March). Youth sport practice model gets more kids active with more time practicing skills. Poster presented at the Active Living Research Conference in San Diego, CA.