Current Publications


Jones, G. J., Edwards, M. B., Bocarro, J. N., Smith, J. W., Bunds, K. S. (2017). Collaborative advantages: The role of inter-organizational partnerships for youth sport non-profit organizations. Journal of Sport Management, 31, 148-160.

Hodge, C., Kanters, M. A., Forneris, T., Bocarro, J.N., & Sayre-McCord, R. (2017). A family thing: Positive Youth Development Outcomes of a Sport-Based Life Skills Program. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 35(1), 34-50.

Hardison-Moody, A., Edwards, M. B., Bocarro, J.N., Stein, A., Kanters, M. A., Sherman, D., Rhew, L.K., Stallings, W.M., & Bowen, S.K. (2017). Survey of shared use among North Carolina faith communities. Preventing Chronic Disease, 14, E11.

Carlton, T., Kanters, M. A., Bocarro, J.N., Floyd, M.F., Edwards, M.B., & Suau, L.J. (2017). Examining the relationship of shared use programming and leisure time. Preventive Medicine, 95, S10-S16.

Jones, G.J., Edwards, M.B., Bocarro, J.N., Bunds, K.S., & Smith, J. W. (2017). An integrative review of sport-based youth development literature. Sport in Society, 20(1), 161-179.


Bunds, K. S., Brandon-Lai, S., & Armstrong, C. (2016). An inductive investigation of participants’ attachment to charity sports events. European Sport Management Quarterly, 16(3), 364-383.

Jeon, J. H., & Casper, J. M. (2016). Psychological antecedents of youth versus adult participation: An examination based on the Sport Commitment Model. Journal of Amateur Sport, 2(2), 103-125.

Jones, G. J., Bunds, K. S., Carlton, T., Edwards, M. B., & Bocarro, J. N. (2016). The salience of sport in cross-race friendship selection. Journal of Amateur Sport, 2(1), 73-98.

Marquet, O., & Miralles-Guasch, C. (2016). Introducing urban vitality as a determinant of children’s healthy mobility habits: a focus on activity engagement and physical activity. Children’s Geographies, 14(6), 656-669.

Marquet, O., & Miralles-Guasch, C. (2016). City of Motorcycles. On how objective and subjective factors are behind the rise of two-wheeled mobility in Barcelona. Transport Policy, 52, 37–45.

Newman, J. I., & Bunds, K. S. (2016). Special issue forward: On the political economy of amateur athletics. Journal of Amateur Sport, 2(1), 1-11.

Okayasu, I., Nogawa, H., Casper, J. M., & Morais, D. (2016). Recreational sporting event participant attitudes and satisfaction: Cross cultural comparisons between Japanese and the United Sates marathoners. Managing Sport and Leisure, 3(1), 164-180.

Santos, M. P., Rech, C. R., Alberico, C. O., Fermino, R. C., Rios, A. P., David, J., Reis, R. S., Sarmiento, O. L., McKenzie, T. L., & Mota, J. (2016). Utility and reliability of an app for the system for observing play and recreation in communities (iSOPARC®). Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 1, 1-6.

Schultz, C., Layton, R., Edwards, M. B., Bocarro, J. N., Moore, R., Merriam, D., Tepperberg, S., Bality, A., & Floyd, M. F. (2016). Suggested measures for linking park and trail systems to public health. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 34(1), 4-23.

Tabak, R. G., Hipp, J. A., Marx, C. M., Yang, L., & Brownson, R. C. (2016). Which worksite supports for healthy weight do employees use? Environment and Behavior, 48(1), 131-149.

Zhai, Y., & Baran, P. K. (2016). Do configurational attributes matter in context of urban parks? Park pathway configurational attributes and senior walking. Landscape and Urban Planning, 148, 188-202


Adlakha, D., Hipp, J. A., Marx, C., Yang, L., Tabak, R., Dodson, E. A., & Brownson, R. C. (2015). Home and workplace built environment supports for physical activity. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 48(1), 104-107.

Bocarro, J. N., Floyd, M. F., Edwards, M. B., Schultz, C., Smith, W., Baran, P., Moore, R., Cosco, N., & Suau, L.J. (2015). Gender stratified models of social and environmental correlates of park-based physical activity among children and adolescents. Preventing Chronic Disease, 12, E97.

Budd, E. L., Hipp, J. A., Geary, N., & Dodson, E.A. (2015). Racial differences in parental perceptions of the neighborhood as predictors of children’s physical activity and sedentary behavior. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2(0), 397-402.

Bunds, K. S., Newman, J. I., & Giardina, M. D. (2015). The spectacle of disposability: Bumfights, commodity abjection, and bodies of the neoliberal street. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 32(4), 272-286.

Bunds, K. S., Newman, J. I, & Proffitt, J. (2015). Bank shots: Dude perfect, corporatization, and sporting [hyper-]reality. Communication, Culture, & Critique, 8(1), 90-107.

Casper, J. M., & Pfahl, M. E. (2015). Athletics department personnel and the natural environment: A study of sustainability practices in Division III athletics departments. International Journal of Event Management Research, 10(1), 12-36.

Duerden, M. D., Edwards, M. B., & Lizzo, R. (2015). Participant impact of the conservation corps experience. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 7(1), 35-47.

Edwards, M. B. (2015). The role of sport in community capacity building: An examination of sport for development research and practice. Sport Management Review, 18(1). 6-19.

Hipp, J. A., & Chalise, N. (2015). Spatial analysis and correlates of county-level diabetes prevalence, 2009-2010. Preventing Chronic Disease, 12(E08).

Hipp, J. A., Reeds, D. N., van Bakergem, M. A., Marx, C. M., Brownson, R. C., Pamulapati, S. C., & Hoehner, C.M. (2015). Review of measures of worksite environmental and policy supports for physical activity and healthy eating. Preventing Chronic Disease, 12(E65).

Hodge, C., Bocarro, J. N., Henderson, K. A., Zabriskie, R., Parcel, T., & Kanters, M. A. (2015). Family leisure: An integrative review of research from select journals. Journal of Leisure Research, 47(5), 577-600.

Kanters, M. A., McKenzie, T. L., Edwards, M. B., Bocarro, J. N., Mahar, M., Martel, K., & Hodge, C. (2015). Youth sport practice model gets more kids active with more time practicing skills. Retos: Nuevas tendencias en Educacion Fisica, Deporte y Recreacion, 28, 222-225.

Marquet, O., & Miralles-Guasch, C. (2015). Neighbourhood vitality and physical activity among the elderly: The role of walkable environments on active ageing in Barcelona, Spain. Social Science & Medicine, 135, 24–30.

Marquet, O., & Miralles-Guasch, C. (2015). The Walkable city and the importance of the proximity environments for Barcelona’s everyday mobility. Cities, 42, 258–266.

Tabak, R. G., Hipp, J. A., Marx, C. M., Yang, L., & Brownson, R.C. (2015). Workplace social and organizational environments and healthy-weight behaviors. PLoS ONE, 10(4).

Yang, L., Hipp, J. A., Adlakha, D., Marx, C., Tabak, R. G., & Brownson, R. C. (2015). Choice of commuting mode among employees: Do home neighborhood environment, worksite neighborhood environment, and worksite policy and supports matter? Journal of Transport & Health, 2(2), 212-218.






*This page serves as merely a sample of the total publications for HWB researchers. For additional information, please contact individual researchers.