Alberico, Claudia (Advisor: Dr. Aaron Hipp)
PhD Student / Research Assistant
Claudia has been a member of the Physical Activity and Quality of Life Research Group at the Pontifical Catholic University of Parana in Curitiba (Brazil) since 2011, being an active researcher for IPEN (International Physical Activity and Environment Network) and ELANS (Latin American Survey on Health and Nutrition). She is currently working on a multi-site project related to PARC (Physical Activity Research Center) and an international collaboration with the Queen’s University of Belfast (HULAP). Her main research experience is in physical activity and built environment measurement, with a particular interest in technological approaches, including GPS, GIS, accelerometers.
Barrett, Martin (Advisor: Dr. Kyle Bunds)
PhD Student / Research Assistant
Martin’s research interests include understanding the influence of the acculturation process on the leisure behavior of immigrant groups. He is also interested in measuring the impact of sport-based CSR initiatives and specifically why professional/elite level team brands influence the behavior of fans.
Campbell, Kathryn (Advisor: Dr. Michael Edwards)
PhD Student / Research Assistant
Kathryn’s research focuses on rural girls, their perceptions of success, and the impact of living in a rural community on youth.
Carlton, Troy (Advisor: Dr. Michael Kanters)
PhD Student / Research Assistant
Troy served as the project manager for the NC Community Transformation Grant under the Active Living initiative focused on evaluating shared use agreements and their impact on physical activity in public school facilities. He has since led multiple trainings across the U.S. on systematic observation and the use of iPads for data collection. His research interests include sport management, community sport and recreation, shared use agreements, systematic observation methods, and physical activity promotion.
Howard, Keith (Advisor – Bocarro)
PhD Student/Instructor in Dept of Health and Exercise Studies
Keith’s research interests include expanding recreational opportunities for underserved youth and developing more effective ways to administer sport and community recreation opportunties for children and adolescents. Keith was previously a middle school athletic director and currently teaches in the NC State physical education department.
Oliphant, Elizabeth (Advisor: Dr. Aaron Hipp)
Master’s Student / Research Assistant
Penbrooke, Teressa (Advisor: Dr. Michael Edwards)
PhD Student / Research Assistant
Teresa’s research is focused on helping communities thrive. Her dissertation is centered on helping to positio local parks and recreation agencies as preventive public health providers. Recent research includes evaluating Sport for Development and Food for Sport programs in Gansbaai, South Africa, conducting a Youth Activities and Nutrition Survey (YANS) for agencies around the U.S. and writing a translational research brief on contract for the National Recreation and Park Association. In addition, Teresa still leads GreenPlay, LLC as CEO and Founder, and is the Director of the Healthy Communities Research Group for GP RED.
Person, Ray (Advisors: Dr. Jason Bocarro & Dr. Myron Floyd)
Master’s Student / Research Assistant
Ray’s research interests include youth sports, youth sport coaching education and youth development.
Robledo, Mayra (Advisors: Dr. Jason Bocarro & Dr. Michael Edwards)
Master’s Student / Research Assistant
Mayra’s research interests include exploring the relationship among physical activity, sport and youth development within minority communities. Specifically taking a closer look at the constraints and/or benefits children face and/or receive through these variables.
Schultz, Courtney (Advisor: Dr. Jason Bocarro & Dr. Myron Floyd)
PhD Student / Research Assistant