2006-2010 Publications


Henderson, K. A., Edwards, M. B., Casper, J. M., Bocarro, J. N., & Floyd, M. F. (2010). Investigating places for active recreation in rural North Carolina communities. Western Rural Development Newsletter.

Hoehner, C. M., Brownson, R. C., Allen, D., Gramann, J., Behrens, T. K., Floyd, M. F., Leahy, J., Liddle, J. B., Smaldone, D., Spain, D. D., Tardona, D. R., Ruthmann, N. P., Seiler, R. L., & Yount, B. W. (2010). Parks promoting physical activity: Synthesis of findings from interventions in seven national parks. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 7(1), S67-81.


Baran, P. K., Smith, W. R., Turkoglu, H. D., Marans, R. W., & Bolen, F. (2009) Walking behavior in Istanbul: Individual attributes, neighborhood context and perceived safety. A/Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, Special Issue: Dossier – Quality of Urban Life, 6(1), 21-40.

Bocarro, J. N., Casper, J. M., Henderson, K. A., Floyd, M. F., Moore, R., Kanters, M., Laven, K., & Edwards, M. B. (2009). Physical activity promotion in North Carolina: Perceptions of public park and recreation directors. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 27, 1-16.

Bocarro, J. N., Floyd, M. F., Moore, R., Baran, P., Danninger, T., Smith, W., & Cosco, N. (2009). Developing a reliable measure of physical activity among children in different age groups using the System for Observing Physical Activity and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC). Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 6(6), 699-707.

Bocarro, J. N., & Wells, M. S. (2009). Making a difference through parks and recreation: Reflections on physical activity, health and wellness research. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 27(3), 1-7.

Floyd, M. F., Taylor, W. C., & Whitt-Glover, M. C. (2009). Measuring park and recreation environments in low-income communities of color: Highlights of challenges and recommendations. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 36(1), S156-160.

Warren, N., Moorman, P., Dunn, M. J., Mitchell, C. S., Fisher, A., & Floyd, M. F. (2009). Southeast Raleigh minority faith-based health promotion project. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 7, 87-98.

Whitt-Glover, M. C., Taylor, W. C., Floyd, M. F., Yore, M. M., Yancey, A. K., & Matthews, C. E. (2009). Disparities in physical activity and sedentary behaviours among US children and adolescents: Prevalence, correlates, and intervention implications. Journal of Health Policy, 30(1), S309-S334.


Baran, K. P., Rodríguez, A. D., & Khattak, J. A. (2008). Space syntax and walking in a New Urbanist and suburban neighbourhoods. Journal of Urban Design, 13(1), 5-28.

Bocarro, J. N., Kanters, M. A., Casper, J. M., & Forrester, S. (2008). School physical education, extracurricular sports, and lifelong active living. Journal of Teaching and Physical Education, 27(2), 155-166.

Casper, J. M., & Andrew, D. A. (2008). Sport commitment differences among tennis players on the basis of participation outlet and skill level. Journal of Sport Behavior, 31(3), 201-219.

Casper, J. M., & Babkes-Stellino, M. L. (2008). Demographic predictors of recreational tennis participants’ sport commitment. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 26(3), 93-115.

Floyd, M. F., Crespo, C. J., & Sallis, J. F. (2008). Active living in diverse and disadvantaged communities: Stimulating dialogue and policy solutions. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34, 271-274.

Floyd, M. F., Spengler, J. O., Maddock, J., Gobster, P. H., & Suau, L. (2008). Park-based physical activity in diverse communities of two U.S. cities: An observational study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34, 299-305.

Floyd, M. F., Spengler, J. O., Maddock, J., Gobster, P. H., & Suau, L. (2008). Environmental and social correlates of physical activity in neighborhood parks: An observational study in Tampa and Chicago parks. Leisure Sciences, 30, 360-375.

Kanters, M. A., Bocarro, J. N., & Casper, J. M. (2008). Determinants of sport participation in middle school children and the impact of intramural sports. Recreational Sports Journal, 32, 1-19.

Kanters, M. A., Bocarro, J. N., Casper, J. M., & Forrester, S. (2008). Guidelines for positively engaging parents in children’s sports. Journal of Youth Sports, 3(1), 8-11.

Kanters, M. A., Bocarro, J. N., Casper, J. M., & Forrester, S. (2008). School intramural sports: A platform for lifetime sport participation & active leisure. Recreation Sports Journal, 32, 134-151.

Kanters, M. A., Casper, J. M., & Forrester, S. (2008). School physical education, extracurricular sports, and lifelong active living. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 27(2), 155-166.

Kanters, M. A., Bocarro, J. N., & Casper, J. M. (2008). Supported or pressured? An examination of agreement among parents and children on parent’s role in youth sports. The Journal of Sport Behavior, 31(1), 64-80.

Kaczynski, A. T., & Henderson, K. A. (2008). Parks and recreation settings and active living: A review of associations with physical activity function and intensity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 5, 619-632.


Clark, A., & Leung, Y.-F. (2007). Getting out, going green: Outdoor recreation is linked to pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors. Parks and Recreation, 26-31.

Ivy, M. I., & Moore, R. L. (2007). Neighboring landowner attitudes towards a proposed greenway trail: Assessing differences between adjacent and nearby residents. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 25(2), 42-63.

Kaczynski, A., & Henderson, K. A. (2007). Environmental correlates of physical activity: A review of evidence about parks and recreation. Leisure Sciences, 29, 315-354.

Librett, J., Henderson, K. A., Godbey, G., & Morrow, J. (2007). An introduction to parks, recreation, and public health: Collaborative frameworks for promoting physical activity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 4(1), S1-13.

Moore, R., Bocarro, J. N., & Hickerson, B. D. (2007). Designing playgrounds for enhanced play opportunities. Parks & Recreation Magazine, 36-41.

Taylor, W., Floyd, M. F., Whitt-Glover, M., & Brooks, J. (2007). Environmental justice: A framework for collaboration between the public health and recreation and parks fields to study disparities and physical activity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 4(1), S20-S29.


Bocarro, J. N., Kanters, M. A., & Casper, J. M. (2006). Leisure for life: The role of schools should be to promote lifelong recreational sport and physical activity participation. Parks & Recreation, 22-27.

Henderson, K. A. (2006). Urban parks and trail, and physical activity. Annals of Leisure Research (Australia-New Zealand), 9(4), 201-211.

Sallis, J. F., Cervero, R. B., Ascher, W., Henderson, K. A., Kraft, M. K., & Kerr, J. (2006). An ecological approach to creating active living communities. Annual Review of Public Health, 27, 297-322.